Vielen Dank!

[many thanks]

Nearly 20 years later

Three weeks ago
February 20th
I marked the day
with a truth

“I am as old today
as she ever was
or ever would be”

And the next day
February 21st
near 3 weeks now
in the past

“I am older now,
than she ever was
or could ever be”

lie before me

©️DÅL|é 2024
Ornate box turtle stalks a large insect at edge of small pond. Bug partially hidden by long leaf of grass.
Studs Turtle getting ready to strike! (at striped bug under grass)

Well, It’s a Start …?

You’re writing your autobiography. What’s your opening sentence?

WordPress prompt 4 March 2024
Ain’t no sunshine when she’s gon— No, wait! It’s coming back already! Annular solar eclipse 2023

All starters … Just top of the noggin, letting go perfectionism and making the writing exercise public. Aaaaaaaahhh!!!

I’m no good at making a long story short; my parents are entirely to blame.

Long story, short: I was raised Jewish by two German ex-Catholic atheists and an African-American non-practicing Southern Methodist.

Long story, short: I was raised Jewish by divorce decree.

Long story short will do you no good in my case.

My life is like a telenovela — but in English, German, and Yiddish.

I knew I was going to Hell from a young age, because my neighbor, the one the grownups called my boyfriend from before we started differing Sunday schools, often told me so.

According to my aunt, I was lucky to be here and now, because back there and then I was thought an abomination.

To say my father did not rape my mother simply because they were lawfully wed at the time (times) encapsulates the clash of the ownership arrangement still very much at the heart of marriage and the rom-com fantasy that fuels our denial that any woman need fear her one true love.

Nature versus nurture is a lifelong question/quandary for the offspring of the psychopath.

Daughter daring dance death dogs dirt Deutsch DeLove dynamic dastardly dad dock duty devotion drama dance dunk drunk dive divided devolution dissolution direction delight duty devil dance demons disguise disorder disease distress dance dance dance dogs divine dogs

Well, it looks like I’ll make it to at least my 61st birthday!🥳

Am I the black sheep?

I may well be the undesirable one on all three sides of my family.

The most insulting thing someone on Twitter has said to me, so far, is that dance was just my side hustle.

I was raised as an only child during the school year and an older sister in the summers.

Draymond, blessing me with her magnificence

Hold the Mayo🚩🚩🚩🚩

Artistically altered photo of moon, clouds hanging low over New Mexican wetlands.Moon rising over waters at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, one of my favorite places!

While trying to stay afloat the summer heat waves, Doctor Rheumy #5 (number 6, if you count JustSeeANeurologist Guy) declared this here Lupine Lady an Anomaly of the Medical variety and referred Our Strangeness to the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, Arizona. And I began composing the following. Eventually, the Good People of You Should Not Leave That Out in This Climate of All Places decided against our rendezvous. Nonetheless, change was afoot. (And is now a-neck!) Details on Turning the Corner coming soon, including Not a Miracle Healing by most standards, and Embracing Life after once again having a sudden sit-down with Death takes over a year, a ragtag village, fairy godmother’s wheelchair, and a very special dog named Draymond.

Z: Welcome to Better You Than Us!

A: Oh, hey — hello!

Z: How may we serve you? [Z hands menu to patron A]

A: Oh, um, okay. Yeah… [A speaks while perusing menu.] It’s just that I — Wow, you have that!? Sorry! I apologize. It’s just a really impressive menu! But, I think maybe an order was called in for me?

Z: No need for apologies! Everybody gets overwhelmed when they first step in here. They get confused. Grow lightheaded. Start crying. Faint. Or, some just get really angry. I am so glad you are not one of those angry ones. Uh … or are you?

A: No, not generally angry. Generation removed from free-floating rage. I’m more of a non-squeaky wheel type, trying in my Middle Ages to identify how and when to properly squeak.

Z: Excellent! My name is Zqwjj and I’ll be your waitstaff-helper-guide-person.

A: I’m Auuiy’o, person in need of wait-guidan— or, um, help. I need help. Obviously.

Z: All right! First things first. [Z checks electronic tablet.] We do have a third-party takeout order for you. Still needing insurance review and blood sacrifice, however.

A: Excuse me?!

Z: An Out of the Order (Nary) order of WhatIsWrongWithThisLadyPerson in a thick substrate of Gotta Be (Bloody) Rare was called in for you by Dr. TrulyGivesAShit.

A: I guess that’s what you call the pricey, intense, out-of-state, out-of-network, diagnostic work over— or, uh, workup, absent any and all guarantees for success?

Z: A week’s worth of poking, prodding, visualizing, repeating tests in all the ways, except this time with an air of self-righteousness and importance like you have never known and a very dry sense of … pretty much everything.

A: Surely, I’ll be granted the honor of paying for all that out of pocket, too — with my luck. While basking in the glory of the Sixth Circle of Hell!

Z: Oh … um …?! [Z worriedly checks tablet.] Says here your referral is to the Phoenix, Arizona clinic.

A: As I said, Sixth Circle; nicest one. You don’t offer a workup like that here, do you?

Z: Oh, no, no, no! However, we do cater the often long and soul-crushing waiting periods. You could start with our popular You Call That Accessible? crudités with I’m So Confused I Could Cry! dipping sauces.

A: That sounds … interesting.

Z: Are you being patronizing? The kind of patronizing a patron is not meant to be?

A: Sorry! It’s just … I, uh … I’m just not that excited about the whole Rising from the Ashes and Haboobs intensive deal right now. Not like I was.

Z: Ah. So, hold the Mayo?!

A: Yes, please.

Z: Sweet! Never had the opportunity to say that before! Professionally, I mean. [Z checks tablet.] Hmm… I see you have a long history of trauma and depression, and a complex medical profile, multiple autoimmune diseases (one rare), neurodivergent, lack of family support — lack of family, really —

A: Meaning?

Z: The Mayo may well hold itself.

A: What?!

Z: Even though there’s considerable evidence associating trauma, particularly ACEs (adverse childhood events), with autoimmune diseases — plus the fact that (worsening) depression is understandably common among those with autoimmune diseases — Mayo gets freaked out, if you will, by ongoing depression in cases like yours.

A: Anomalous rheumatology cases?

Z: Uh huh. Sure.

A: Rheumatological and apparently related conditions that overwhelmingly affect women and are therefore historically understudied, narrowly defined, and the sufferers maligned?

Z: As you said, “paternalistic.”

A: Did I? So … in cases of confusing, inconsistent test results and findings, blame the witches, oops, women as hysterical/borderline/whatever? Definitely do not find fault with the limits of current medical understanding?

Z: You’ve been misjudged before.

A: Last month I was told I was an entire medical practice’s one and only red flag. 1 out of 675. My occasional need for one particular type of legal medication is a stain on their otherwise spotless reputation.

Z: Ouch.

A: Been their patient for 9 years.

Z: Ah. May I suggest our Stir the Pot starter? Good for breaking out of stagnation.

A: No. Thanks. Actually, I think I’m ready to order my main course of action, now that Mayo’s off the table.

Z: Never good to leave the Mayo out on the table. [Z readies tablet for A’s order.] Now, what would you like?

A: [A reads from menu] Okay, I’d like an order of General Improvement, please, with greater ease of movement, no vertigo, clarity of mind, more stamina, normal digestive functioning, and significant reduction in pain.

Z: Well, I like the confidence, but …

A: Oh! And, an Abatement of Fear. On the side. [A closes menu.]

Z: [Tablet beeps and clicks briefly in Z’s hands.] Ah, yes, there are some, shall we say, compatibility issues with your current condition and that ask. Unless you want to start tithing? [Z looks at A who shows disapproval in no uncertain terms.] That’ll be a NO. Well, I’m sorry to say you’ve confused our General Improvement offering with our Full Remission special. But, from what I see here, I think an unassuming portion of General Improvement is a very good choice for you at this time.

A: Okay. What comes with that?

Z: You get your choice of greater ease of movement, reduced vertigo, and sporadic clarity of mind — OR — increased stamina, normal digestive function with rare, epic failures for no discernible reasons, and dizziness, no vertigo. Instead of reduction in pain, both choices come with better pain management. Served on a panorama of changing seasons or layered with an ever-evolving sense of peace with a series of devastating losses.

A: I see. Well, they’re both tempting, but I’ll go with the ease of movement/clarity of mind option with better pain management, layered with sense of peace stuff. And may I still have a side of Abatement of Fear?

Z: Yes, great choice! What flavor of Fear Abatement would you like? Milquetoast? Vague? Distinct? BlackWoman? HolyShit? Psychopath?

A: Distinct, please.

Z: Very nice. Now, how about a starter? OurPieInTheSkyHighHopes are popular.

A: No, thank you. Had it. That mix of sticky, sweet promise followed by enduring, bitter emptiness does not agree with me at all!

Z: Oh. [Z consults tablet.] Oh, right! My apologies! Of course, … That starter is not recommended for persons with Lupus.

A: Yup. Makes sense.

Z: For the Chronically Lupine, especially when ordering from our limited optimism menus, Hope Slivers and Cloud Linings, we usually recommend our Relativity Disclaimer starter, served with a delightful Cliché Blocker salsa.

A: Tell me about that.

Z: Our Relativity Disclaimer enhances the idiosyncratic nature of your main course, in this case, General Improvement. It’s all about how you feel now and not next week or last year. It’s not about you compared to someone else or somebody else’s idea of you.

A: Should I take that personally?

Z: Absolutely! It’s a bespoke savory starter. The Cliché Blocker salsa ranges from a mild, passive-aggressive, guess you mean well, to a hot, offensive, burn it all the fuck down. Medium is a spicy, assertive, be real or shut up.

A: Spicy, it is!

Z: Excellent! And for dessert? May I suggest a modest serving of our house specialty, Self-Acceptance, topped off with our renowned self-esteem boost, Is This Self-Love?

A: Oooh, I’ve always wanted to try that! But, I’ve heard it’s very rich.

Z: Oh, no, not really. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how well Self-Acceptance complements General Improvement! Admittedly, Self-Acceptance can be difficult to digest, especially in combination with selections from our Stagnation and Decline menus. But for the disabled, especially the dynamically disabled like yourself, Self-Acceptance is often described as light and refreshing. Also fleeting, for many. You could probably indulge daily, if you wanted. Best part: Just save whatever you can’t finish for another time. It never goes bad.

A: Self-Acceptance never goes bad? No matter what?!

Z: Think about it.

A: What about the folks who claim it can have an enduring aftertaste?

Z: Consider the source.

A: Privileged, healthy, able-bodied people who perceive chronic illness and disability as threats to their worldview? Oh …

Z: So, that’s an unassuming order of General Improvement, with greater ease of movement, decreased vertigo, and sporadic clarity of mind, plus better pain management. For your side, a distinct Abatement of Fear. For starter, Relativity Disclaimer with spicy Cliché Blocker. And for dessert, Self-Acceptance, with a self-esteem boost of Is This Self-Love? Anything else?

A: Hold the Mayo.

Z: Done. Expires 6 months after issued. If properly stored, that is. Just FYI.

A: Noted.

Z: So, proceed?

A: Yes, let’s move on. Thank you!

Z: My pleasure! And soon, yours, too!

Mayo Clinic logo with tag line, “You know where to go.”
Hey! Shouldn’t you tell me where? ‘Cause I don’t know!

A Day of Appreciation

Starring Draymond, The Velveteen Gargoyle, Ruler of South Broadway (Albuquerque), and Sir Roo Longtail, Gentlemen Pirate of the High Desert

Caught on camera:

Two dogs, small & large, facing each other, eyes glowing in night vision/photo. They talk: “So Big Guy, you rea-“ “Turkey smells SO GOOD!” “Roo! Focus!” “Sooo good!” “Really?! Never mind.” At bottom: HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
Villainy thwarted once again!

But, seriously…

Small dog & head of big dog snuggled together, with writing, “Giving Thanks and Love!” To side are names Deb, Jeff, Dray, Roo, and Zappa
No words needed!

However you celebrate this day or choose to spend time this long American weekend, I hope you can find a moment to love and appreciate yourself! And a moment to love and appreciate another!

Slavery Summer Camp for White Kids

Are you worried about outside influences on your children’s quality education in the summer months? Tired of your kids coming home from summer camp laden with friendship bracelets and an autonomous sense of self, having learned no useful skills by way of adversity and trauma? What better way for White children to truly learn about all the benefits of American slavery than to experience it for themselves? In our exclusive* Slavery Summer Camp White Christian children will finally get to immerse themselves in the learning experience hitherto reserved for The Blacks.**

Upon arrival, your beautiful White Christian children will be stripped naked and all possessions destroyed before being sold on the auction block. Each child’s new owner will give it a new name and just one set of clothes for the duration of camp.

Hence, no worries about non-conformist self-expression or identities here! Plus, you won’t be receiving any homesick letters or complaints about problematic behavior, as there will be no communication at all. You can relax and live your summer as if you don’t have children. As if they were taken away from you, forever. As if they were dead. Enjoy!

Color drawing of hawk by effinbirds with caption, “who does shit like this?”
Rather depends on what shit you’re talking ‘bout!

The newly designated slaves will be kept to a strict schedule of beneficial skill acquisition; we’ve included a non-exhaustive list below. All disciplinary issues will be handled by our camp personnel (masters, overseers, patrols), all of whom are trained in authentic corporal punishment techniques, proven effective over the centuries.

A sampling of the Beneficial Skills of Slavery Summer Camp:

⁃ Back-breaking hard labor 12-16 hours/day (Builds stamina!)

⁃ Crop harvesting without use of machinery

⁃ Animal slaughtering with dull knives (Safety first!)

⁃ Road construction from scratch, including use of explosives to clear the way, mixing cement, and working with bubbling hot tar

⁃ Networking through shared hardship — with & without singing

⁃ Carpentry, from shanties to master bedrooms (Hammer like Jesus!)

⁃ Old-Timey Dentistry: really, just tooth pulling

⁃ Enduring dehumanizing conditions and torture (Builds resilience!)

⁃ Metalwork, such as making Jeffersonian iron nails (a matter of pride for the founding father)

⁃ Old-Timey Medicine: bone setting, wound & burn care, minor surgery

⁃ Sugar refining, salt mining, seed oil extraction, etc. — using only well-researched methods from the good old days of slavery

As you can see, crop harvesting tops the list. The immigration crisis is connected to a crop harvesting crisis, which is exacerbated by the brutal summer heat of the climate crisis. So, enrolling your children in our exclusive camp not only baptizes them in the saving graces of slavery, it also lets them serve our exploitative agricultural practices, while willfully ignoring any and all efforts toward ethical, sustainable solutions. That’s a win-win!

For your children’s education, your stress-free summer, and our country’s productivity, enroll your kids today in Slavery Summer Camp for White Christian Children!

[Currently, we operate only in those states in which enlightened politicians have relaxed child labor laws.]

Small digital home weather station shows date, time, outside temperature of 117.3° and 6% humidity, inside temperature of 78.4°F and 34% humidity
15 July 2023, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA: unofficial temperature 117°F (≈47°C) — officially a mere 110°F (≈43°C) — and 6% humidity. No worries; gonna be a dry Apocalypse!

*Not for Jewish kids, as they have that whole Holocaust thing to draw on. And we know you don’t want your children realizing you’ve been feeding them nothing but lies about Jews this whole time.

*Not open to disabled kids, because, like, what’s the point? Also, we are church-affiliated, so we thrive in that gaping loophole of the Americans with Disabilities Act that exempts all religious organizations from accommodating any of God’s children that God clearly decided weren’t worth the effort to make right.

**By which we mean imported Africans and their descendants, ignoring the odd Injun. We’re also disregarding modern-day slavery-adjacent shenanigans, like prisoner and migrant worker exploitation, sex trafficking, etc. (As if you could care less!)